The war against Lord Voldemort was long and tedious. But after many long years of living in fear of the notorious dark wizard, known for his segretory views of Wizards and Muggles the Dark Lord is said to be dead, vaporized amidst a bloody battle in Godric's Hallow. It's the early 80s and life has returned to relative 'normalness' in the wizarding world of the United Kingdoms. The Aurors still have their fun rounding up Voldemort's old followers. Not to mention the few baddies that are still out there that plan on rivaling the Dark Lord in all their horribleness.
But the parents have started to loosen their over protective grip on the children who can now gleen a bit more enjoyment on their holidays, celebrating Christmas with their families and friends or roughing it at Ranch Camp or Quidditch Camp during the summer, or just loitering around Diagon Alley lapping on ice cream and gossiping about the latest broom and other trends.
While back at school it's a place of education and comraderie. Or at least that's how Dumbledore wishes it really was. Dispite all of the legendary wizard's best efforts, Voldemort was more easy to take down than a couple of unruly Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teenage boys brawling in the halls over girls, quidditch scores and house points! Wagers of hair placed on who'll get house cup. Over exuberant prefects, along with some people having no right to have badges. It's enough to make the beloved old man pull out his beard! But he along with the rest of the professors that host a syllabus of lessons through out the year try to remember that this is the future of their world.
It's up to us the players and staff of Hogwarts Express to determine just what sort of future it will really be. Come join the fun and family of Hogwarts Express!
Update, September 20, 2008: We are no longer accepting applications for first years at this time. All other years are still open. Also, the application process has been separated into an application for adults and an application for students. For our prospective players: if you have any questions feel free to log onto the game and tag an ON-DUTY Newbie Greeter. -HE Staff