Hogwarts Express MUSH

NPCs are Non-Player Characters, and they are characters who exist on the MUSH but do not belong to any one player. They may be book characters, such as Dumbledore or Hagrid, or family members of approved characters.

Generally, NPCs with relations to your character, such as family members, belong to you. You may spoof them (as in, play them using the emit command) during RP, and no other player may control them unless you give permission. Book character NPCs and NPC figures of authority are strictly staff controlled and may not be spoofed.

In using NPCs, please use common sense. Spoofing NPCs to enhance the atmosphere of roleplay is encouraged but must be done with caution and knowledge of canon. Spoofing an Auror because your character has been placed under Auror guard at all times is reasonable, but spoofing a guard Auror under the Imperius hurting your character is not. Generally, anything that would require TP approval cannot be spoofed without contacting a staffer. If you are in doubt, page a staffer and ask.