Hogwarts Express MUSH

The game adheres to ICA=ICC. This means that In Character Actions leads to In Character Consequences. You should think through any actions your character will take thoroughly, especially if those actions may result in IC incarceration, discipline, injury, or death, or if they involve Death Eaters. Consent must be balanced with consequences to uphold the integrity of the IC world.

Sometimes, consequences overrule your right to consent. If your character breaks a Wizarding law or school rule, he runs the high risk of being caught, even if no PCs were present to witness the act. If your character engages in a fight with a skilled Auror or Death Eater, he might be arrested, injured, or worse. Pleading no consent does not negate the consequences.

There are some places on the IC grid that could hold consequences just by being there. They include, but are not limited to: Dark Wizard meeting grounds, Knockturn Alley, the Forbidden Forest, and the Ministry of Magic. Students may be subject to expulsion if they go looking for trouble. Adults are treated on a case-by-case basis.

The best way to avoid undesireable IC consequences is to talk it out with players or helpers OOCly before engaging in RP. If you want to get away with a crime, contact the PC authorities or the Wiz in charge of the area. If you want to get away with breaking a school rule, ask your prefect if it's okay for her to be distracted. OOC communication is key, and it's often all you need in certain situations. Page a staffer and ask if you are concerned about consequences your character might face.