Hogwarts Express MUSH

All complaints can be sent to *helpers or to the staff member in charge of the specific area of the game you are complaining about. For example, complaints about the school area can go to the school admins, adult area to adult admins, code to the codewiz, etc.

Complaints regarding harassment or other problems with specific people may also be brought to the helpers' attention by using @mail. Logs of the event are always useful and make the Helpers' jobs easier. If your complaint is about a specific player, please be sure you have tried to solve the matter between yourselves before bringing a staff member in. The staff will step in if matters cannot be resolved among players themselves.

When complaining, keep the tone civil and attack the issue, not the person, or your complaint may not be taken seriously. Try to be concise and to the point. The rules of the games must be upheld; sometimes no means no. Respect the decisions of the staff.