Hogwarts Express MUSH
Helpers are the staff members that run this game. They are responsible for enforcing the policies, maintaining code, approving characters, reading applications, and maintaining good communication with the players. To contact the helpers, either type +helpers to see who is on and page them, or @mail *helpers with your message.

The staff structure is as follows:

GOD: or Goddess - Responsible for it all. The buck stops here.
WIZARD: Senior helpers responsible for a key aspect of the game. They have a wizbit.
ADMIN: Can be senior, regular, or junior depending on the needs of the game at the time. All admins hold royalty bits and can vote on applications and approve characters.
NEWBIE GREETERS: These good people volunteer to help out new players.
ROLEPLAY GENERATORS: Responsible for generating TinyPlots and facilitating RP. Hierarchally, RP-Gens and Newbie Greeters perch on the same "rung of the ladder."

To find a connected staff member type '+helpers' or '+staff'. Please avoid paging staffers who have denoted themselves as 'off-duty' unless it is an emergency - that's what @mail is for!

Related topics include:
Helper Conduct
Helper Decisions
Helper Hiring