Hogwarts Express MUSH

Hogwarts Express isn't just Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In fact, we have a thriving adult world full of unique role-playing opportunities. With a totally different feel to it from the student sphere, in the adult world you can be almost anything you want to be. We have adult characters who play as shopkeepers, ministry members, dark wizards, reporters, and healers, but almost any job is a possibility if you put your mind to it.

Characters such as businesspeople, shopkeepers, reporters, and so forth are not too closely regulated. However, there are some adult character types that require special applications or which have just become more culturally developed over time due to their being popular choices for players. The following files consist of detailed information on all of these areas to help you integrate your adult character in a logical fashion.

MINISTRY: The Ministry of Magic.
UNDERGROUND: For more common criminals.
HEALERS: Ranks and specializations for Healer characters.
QUIDDITCH: Adult Quidditch teams and how the system works.
CONSENT: On the more serious tone of the adult world and what you can expect.