Hogwarts Express MUSH

Subdepartments: Reversals Squad
Specializations: Oblivators, Cursebreakers, Reversal Experts, Muggle-Worthy Excuse

This department is primarily responsible for undoing the damage caused by magic gone rogue, or for wiping the memories of Muggles who inadvertently see or experience magic. As such they work very closely with every other department. Accidents and Catastrophes are the first on the scene when something goes wrong. They are also the ones called to deal with cursed objects that are not directly part of an MLE investigation. They are, in a sense, the magical world's answer to the fire department, dealing with disasters as they arise. Employees in this department start out as Trainees and then move on to their area of specialization. All members of MAC, except for those specializing in Cursebreaking, must have a NEWT in Muggle Studies due to their close work with Muggles. However, if an applicant is muggle born, they may sit an equivalency examination in their specific area.